Grow4you’s experiences

At Grow4You, located in Westland, we focus on the cultivation of various tropical plants, such as Coleus, Episcia, Hoya, Monstera, Philodendron, Scindapsus and Tradescantia, in various pot sizes and product forms. Our experience with the full-LED growth system from Climalux is very positive, and we experience a wonderful Italian spring climate in the nursery in the middle of the Dutch winter.

De ervaringen van Grow4you

At our show location we have now installed the full-LED growth system from Climalux and we now provide 14 hours of daylight per day. This has had a very positive impact on the quality of our plants. First of all, we see better and faster rooting in all our products. In particular with Monstera, Philodendron and Scindapsus we see faster and better rooting. As a result, everything roots much more evenly and there is less to no loss. We see a more active and healthier root develop. In addition, we see a more compact and fuller growth of the plants, which means that we can now keep some products compact without chemical inhibition. In addition, the branching of the plants is also very good. For example, we see the Tradescantia react very positively, which, in addition to much faster rooting, also grows compactly and with a lot of branching. Previously, we had to use heavy chemical inhibition immediately after rooting to keep the plants short and compact, and this is now a thing of the past.

Another great advantage for us is that the vertical ventilation per lamp creates a good heat distribution in the greenhouse. When you walk into our greenhouse, you feel the heat and you see the plants respond well to it.

For us, all this ensures that the growth during the dark winter period is at least as good as in spring and summer. This enables us to deliver excellent quality all year round. We are therefore very satisfied with the LED lamps from Climalux and heartily recommend them to other growers who strive for optimal plant growth and quality, regardless of the seasons.


Kevin Laros & Tristian Bentvelsen

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